Christmas party season is upon us…

imageDo you always feel underdressed at the Christmas Party??

Do you want to sparkle…


You can be the Belle of the ball and attract that colleague you’ve had your eye on all year!

If you’re not in the mood to party, pulling on that Christmas outfit and trying a new make up style could give you the boost you need. Everyone has moments when they feel like they’ve put on a few pounds, feeling tired and sluggish as the nights draw in, but I find getting dressed up makes me feel so much better. Step out in style and watch those heads turn…

Take at look at my Pinterest board for inspiration. If you want help finding that perfect outfit for your height, shape and colouring please feel free to contact me

I’ll be happy to give you a call or meet you. Think of me as one of your friends who’ll want you to look your best.

Pinterest board: Christmas party inspiration

Follow Justine Elton’s board Christmas Party inspiration on Pinterest.

Are you bored of always looking the same? Experimenting with make up can transform you. Try out different shades, add a bit of metallic or sparkle to create that perfect Christmas party look. Just be aware of your skin tone, hair and eye colour. If you need some help take a look at my Pinterest board:

Follow Justine Elton’s board Christmas party make up ideas on Pinterest.



2017-09-26T12:22:15+00:0013 November 2014|Blog, Special Occasions|1 Comment

Kristin – Wedding and wardrobe review

Kristin’s brief was to find a Wedding outfit; it was a low key event and she wanted to be able to wear the dress again.

After our initial consultation we agreed Kristin’s style was Boho.

Please view Kristin’s storyboard via Pinterest:









We also carried out a wardrobe review after the wedding so we could create an alternative  casual outfit. Please see Pinterest for pictures:


2016-12-17T18:27:22+00:003 July 2014|Personal Styling, Special Occasions|0 Comments
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